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A display show 40 shots premium cake with white glitter mine to red green crossette; blue tail burst brocade blue stars; With a big final of blue tail burst brocade grain Ti chrys..
BW1522 - The Last Escape 26 Shot
BW1561 - Literally Lit
BW1520 - Megalodon 24 Shot
BW1572 - The Fixer
BW1532 - Jellyfish Monster
BW1506 - Ban Idiots Not Guns
BW1558 - Manic Energy 9 Shots
BW1571 - Malice
BW1569 - Focus
BW1578 - Pyro Puddin
BW1530 - Game Over 142 Shot
BW1580 - The Fallen
BW1568 - Warning
BW1539 - Keep It Real 10 Shot
BW1565 - Stay Connected
BW1518 - I Am A Good Fisher And A Better Kisser 20 Shot
BW1503 Red Whit Blue
BW1514 - Thank You
BW1550- Cowboy Fight
BW1545 Four Elements